So, I left work today a little after 5.
I was walking down Davie…
(Totally not Vancouver Davie Street, but whatevs.)
…when I came across $20 lying in the street.
(Like this, but folded in half and on the ground.)
I was surprised.
(Like this, but less Donald O’Connor.)
I picked it up.
I held it above my head and said “hey, does this belong to anybody?”
The strangers at the bus stop looked dumbfounded.
(Exactly like this. But not in a church.)
I realized my question was kind of stupid, but sometimes I like helping. I’d like it if it way MY $20 and someone asked. I mean, how can you tell, though? “Can you please recite the serial number? I have to make sure it’s yours.” Anyhow.
I said to the random man who was walking in my general direction, “Looks like it’s my lucky day! I feel kind of guilty, though.”
(I’m TOTALLY this cute.)
“Well, if you’re gonna lose sleep I can take if off your hands…”
(Warning: may not actually be what random guy in the street looks like. May be how I pictured him in my head.)
“Not THAT guilty.”
(Less fuzzy, more clothes on. Same expression.)
And I promptly went to Shoppers Drug Mart and spent the $20 on much-needed cold medication.
Posted via email from robynn's cavalcade of crap she thinks is awesome